Sunday, June 30, 2013

Sunday Funday

It was such a nice day today!  We were outside and THE ICE CREAM TRUCK CAME!  Charlie has been patiently waiting for this glorious day to come.  We read about an ice cream truck in a book we checked out from the bookmobile and he has been excited for it to come by our house.  He also took a dip in the pool.  Notice the big boy undies- he has been such a big boy the past few days!  I hope this is it (except for at night)!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

First Day of Summer

We celebrated the first day of summer by making yummy ice cream sundaes!
However, this great idea may have backfired because we ate them right before bedtime and Charlie stayed up until 10:00.  Oh well, who cares!?  It's SUMMER BREAK!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Ahhhh, now it's starting to feel like summer vacation!

Say What?!?!

A day above 70 degrees in mid-June?  Time to bust out the kiddie pool and soak up some S-U-N (when it came out in between the clouds)!


Claire is all about sucking on her fingers lately.
(notice the pretty purple toes)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

Beep beep!

We got the supplies for the camper!  It only took seven hours on this thing!
Fun but super sloooooow going.
Almost 6 weeks down!  Next appointment is June 19th (super rad way to spend our wedding anniversary) and I should be able to start to put some weight on it!  Oh yeah!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Charlie LOVES Caillou!

Charlie watching Caillou on the iPad with his new Caillou toy

The original plan: Put the new toy on a high shelf and tell him he can have it when he's potty trained
The actual plan: Give it to him and let him keep crapping his pants

SOMEDAY it will happen, right?

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Yummy Treat

I found a simple recipe for a summer treat on Pinterest.  Super good and under 100 calories!

Healthy "Ice Cream" Sandwich
 1. Blend lite cool whip and strawberries 
2. Apply a thick coat to graham crackers and make a sandwich 
3. Freeze in plastic wrap
4.  Enjoy!

The Jayco

Some pictures of the camper...

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Mission Accomplished!

Our mission to find a camper is complete!  We brought it down to the land today.  Can't wait to camp this summer!
It was a mess there so everyone (except me obviously) helped clean up today.  These are some pictures from a fun (and RAIN FREE!!!!!) day..

 (this is a frog)