Sunday, October 25, 2015

Carving Pumpkins

We went to Todd and DeVon's house for our annual pumpkin carving.  Always a fun time!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

MEA Break

We had a lot of fun over our 4 day weekend.  It's so nice to go at a slower pace when I'm not working. We painted, baked cookies, went to a Halloween-themed party and visited story-time at the library.  The kids brought stuffed animals to story-time and left them there to sleep over for the night.  When we picked them up we got a book of all the things they did while they were there. So cute! 

Donatello and Olivia

Some friends from our playgroup

One of the pages in the book from the library- Charlie brought his snake and Claire brought Llama Llama Red Pajama

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Baseball Fever

Charlie would play baseball every waking minute if he could.  Today we went to the neighborhood park and played for awhile after supper.  

Claire did an excellent job pointing out airplanes, getting balls and saying, "My turn!"

You need a helmet, a bat, cleats and one glove to be a good baseball player.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


We went to Northwoods Orchard for some fall family pictures.  We stayed and checked it out afterwards.  The kids might have been promised pumpkins if they smiled lots and didn't throw fits or fight with each other.  Thanks to this bribe I'm pretty sure we got lots of good shots!  Yeah bribes!

Big Bath

I let the kids take a bath in the big tub today.  They loved it!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fire Safety Week

We took some time away from unpacking and getting things ready at the new house to visit the fire station.  Charlie got to hold the axe this year!

Monday, October 5, 2015

We're In!

We were in our new house on Saturday. Tomorrow it's official because we close!

Here's the kitchen (almost completely unpacked and mostly organized).  Love how it turned out!

Tang Soo Results

Charlie earned a new belt!  He's very proud of his new white belt with an orange stripe!  He received his GUP card and a folder with a certificate and a book with all the things he needs to learn to become a black belt.

Receiving his new belt from Mr. Yennie

Being taught how to break wood- loved his face when he broke it!

A proud boy holding the wood he broke and the certificate he earned

Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Just like that we have a FIVE YEAR OLD!  Charlie had a fun time celebrating at Chuck E Cheese's and swimming while we were at the hotel.

He was SO excited to get his baseball helmet and bat bag!