Friday, June 30, 2017

Quarry Hill Camp

The kids just finished a week at Quarry Hill camp.  They both had lots of fun and learned lots of new things.

Charlie's class was Senses and Defenses.  He learned about the senses and how they help animals survive and adapt.  He said his favorite parts were, "catching stuff in the pond, going in the cave, hiking and learning that deers have a very good sense of smell".

Claire's class was Animal Discoveries.  She learned about animals and insects that lay eggs.  She said her favorite parts were, "having snack (not surprised), playing with the toys and coloring".

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Little Readers

Both kids are into books and reading.  Makes me happy!

Charlie at Bat

Here's a hit by Charlie...

Fossil Finders

Charlie is very into finding fossils these days.  Here's a big one we like to find when we hike at Quarry Hill.

Simple Fun

The boys have been playing baseball for hours and hours and the girls have been painting, playing babies and riding their bikes around.

Financial Peace

Walking into any store (on repeat):  "Can I have _____________?"

The other day: "Mom, you buy stuff!  You get everything YOU want."

Time to teach these kids the value of money!  Thanks to Dave Ramsey (finance guru) we have a plan.  Charlie and Claire do chores and earn money which they split up into three different jars (save, spend and give). So far they've been complaining a lot less when they're asked to do something and they're motivated to earn money (probably until they see how long it takes to afford what they want).

Innovator or Future Inmate?

Found this during a deep clean in Charlie's room.  Building bombs with batteries, tape and a paper clip at age 6?  He's always finding garbage, recycling or small things and turning them into something.  Love our boy!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Basement Progress

The basement has sheetrock.  Getting closer!

House Sitting Extraordinaires

We fed and loved up horses and cats, watered flowers and got the mail.  
We might've had a little fun too...

"No muscles!  No muscles!" (without floaties)

Monday, June 19, 2017

Father's Day

The guys went golfing and we grilled out for supper.  Charlie got to golf with the big boys for the first time.  He was super excited to golf, but even more excited about the Coke that Nick let him have.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

It's not all fun and games...

This teacher mama is making these kids work before they play.

Go, #1!

Charlie started his second year of t-ball tonight.  He made a couple good plays and had some good hits!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

We Love Summer!

It was a perfect summer day and it's just the beginning of lots of good memories!

Ready (and super excited) to go to the farm

We went to Binkies for Nick's volleyball game and supper.  As you can see we weren't a very good cheering section...

Friday, June 9, 2017

That's a Wrap!

Charlie is officially a first grader and summer break is here!

Kindergarten Celebration

                                First day/Last day                              

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Weekend Before Summer Break!

Water day- playing and washing the car

Another great snack idea from Charlie (celery and extra mustard)

Bike ride downtown and Nerstrand State Park