Sunday, August 25, 2019

State Fair 2019

Another fun (and busy) year in the books!

Superstar Helper

This little peach has been at school with me for hours trying to get my classroom ready after the big Bamber Valley remodel.  It's nice having a kid old enough to help!  I remember taking her when she was super little and she might have messed up more than she put together.

Monday, August 12, 2019


We checked out Minneopa, a state park just outside of Mankato.

Drinks and games after the hike

Lake Date

A bunch of kids went to a friend's house on the lake for some summer fun.  The kids fished and swam.  Claire caught a little sunny.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Birthday Sleepover

We had a fun birthday celebration for Rosemary that included swimming, grilling, some yummy cake, a fire, s'mores, and the kids camping out in a tent for the night.  The kids also had fun playing baseball and volleyball, throwing rocks in the creek, catching toads (8 in all) and riding horses.

Sunday, August 4, 2019


Who knew Austin had so much to do?!  We went frisbee golfing, had a little lunch at Torge's, went to the SPAM Museum and checked out the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center and some of the trails there.

Totally Tubular!

We had fun floating down the Root River.  This was the first tubing trip for both kids.  Charlie had some pro moves; one was getting trapped in tree branches and climbing on the branches over the water to get back in his tube.  It was a perfect day to go!

We had to stop for ice cream at The Creamery in Rushford on the way home

More Summer Stuff

  The new Can-Am at the camper

 Claire driving!

Playing hide-and-seek in the cornfield at the farm

This is how we cheer Nick on at softball- Charlie finds an empty field and begs me to pitch balls

The last day of Mega Kids Sports Camp- Charlie liked laser tag and Claire liked making sand art.

Sunset sprinkler time