Tuesday, March 24, 2020


The kids have been home for a week and I've been working from home for 2 days.  We'll potentially all be working from home after spring break!

Lots of time for TV/movies, games, puzzles, reading, homework, art, going for walks and spending some quality time together.

It's an uncertain and unsettled time but we're trying to make the most if it.  The last photo puts things into perspective even when times are tough.

Qwirkle- our new favorite game

Charlie's art


Reading buddies

Turning his brain to mush

First virtual meeting for me

Gaining some brain cells

More Blitz at the new house

Virtual playdate with some friends

 Charlie beating Nick in checkers

Connect 4 with Claire Bear

Zoom meetup with Claire's teacher and her classmates

Stopped by a little library on our walk and found some bookmarks 

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Birthday Tea Party

Claire had a fancy party to celebrate turning seven!

Love, love, love this girl!

 Sir Charles serving the ladies

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Pierced Ears

Papa and Grandma took Claire to get her ears pierced for her birthday.  She was pretty brave- no tears.

House Progress

Just the finishing touches left. Oh, and the driveway...we need a driveway instead of a "mudway".

Still working on selling our house.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Surprise Reader

Nick surprised both Claire and I by coming to school to read to Claire's class.  Pretty impressive for someone who gets sweaty around large groups of young, inquisitive children.

Jamboree 2020

Charlie's hockey season ended with 3 weekend games, a pizza party, a trophy and a medal. It was such a fun season- great coaches, families and kids!

Girls Day

The girls did Noodles and nails to celebrate Lydia's 9th birthday.

House Progress

Fireplace is done, bamboo flooring is done and they're siding this week.

Charlie is most excited about these drawers on the island for all his stuff.

Glow Run

The kids got pledges and ran laps to earn money for a school fundraiser.  Fun day!