Sunday, July 31, 2022

August Classic

 Charlie got chosen to play in the August Classic, which is the All-Star Game for his league.  The team played five games and got 3rd place.

Lots of perks come with this...two t-shirts. plaque, Saints game and special Twins tickets with a trip to the field before the game.  He was pretty pumped to be chosen.  Very proud.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Welcome, Phoebe!

 Phoebe joined our family on Tuesday. We just love her!  Bella and Phoenix are learning to love her.

Monday, July 25, 2022

End-of-Year Baseball Party

 A kids vs. parents Blitz game, food and swimming.  I'll really miss this team!

Charlie pitching to his dad...

Cabin 2022

 Lots of relaxing and fishing, swimming and soaking in the sun.  The perfect summer vacation!

As we all know, Charlie LOVES to win so he made sure to catch the most fish.  He didn't like the fine print he missed on the bottom until I pointed it out on Friday.  He grabbed a scissors and cut it right off!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Frisbee Golfer

 I bet Charlie $5 that he couldn't beat Nick on a hole.  He beat him on 3 holes so now I'm $15 poorer.

Hotel and Color Run

We spent the night at a Best Western that was in an old train station and then did the Color Run the next morning.  We weren't able to do this since 2019 due to covid. It was great to be back!